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Free dating site in Burnaby

Welcome to the free dating site in Burnaby. There is no credit card required for dating on our site. Don't waste your time in bars and pubs, join our dating service. Find online singles, dating and personal ads in Burnaby, British Columbia at our free web site. Sign up today to browse singles and personal ads in British Columbia, meet singles online using our free Burnaby online dating service!

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Justlooking - Vernon Singles. Free dating site in Vernon, British Columbia.
Just checking things out ; (

I'm friendly...like ppl. Love to laugh.
Joewoolley - Langley Singles. Free dating site in Langley, British Columbia.
Talk dirty to me

I live in langley looking for a woman to meet up with hangout go places traveling have fun.
Rexcoolman - Vancouver Singles. Free dating site in Vancouver, British Columbia.
The light

Hi everyone visiting me on here, i have few words to say about myself as i am a believer, *smiles* :) i am simple nice and fun to be with, i have lots of good sense and i live by certain principle in life to ensure total love and happiness for me and whoever deserves it. I am single and i love lif...
Mishmosh09 - Vancouver  Singles. Free dating site in Vancouver , British Columbia.
Single and looking soul mate

I like traveling, museums, the great outdoors-camping, movies, antique shopping, history, psychology, animals, most anything that I haven't seen or tried once. I am some worth of a dreamer believing that romance and love is what life is all about.
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Expand later
LifeCoach67 - Bc Singles. Free dating site in Bc, British Columbia.
I'm the guy your mother told you to wait for

My lifestyle is very simple really, but one of my primary pursuits is optimum health - so I'm looking for someone who is EITHER into good health already or already on her way to this objective. (In other words... if you're working diligently to break through & can show you've made decent...
Cindy77/8 - Chilliwack Singles. Free dating site in Chilliwack, British Columbia.
Every day counts

Hi there. A little about myself..... I am honest, clean and have integrity. I am quite sophisticated in my thinking and so some people may not relate to me so easily on a personal level. That 's OK by me, as I don't want to relate to everyone, but rather I am interested in attracting people...
Mehere - Campbell River Singles. Free dating site in Campbell River, British Columbia.

I love walks on the beach and fires at night,hiking,not afraid to show my affection in public holding hands,hugging,kissing only appropriately.I have a dog.I enjoy movies,some sports,to many different foods to mention,I like to read books.I love being outside anywhere,I have a good sense of humor,lo...
Bryn78 - Abbotsford Singles. Free dating site in Abbotsford, British Columbia.
Need a single gal

My lifestyle is simple I like to Fish and I am a family man my family mean a lot to me I also like to cook and listen to Music and I am learning to play guitar I like Harley clothing and also I am a ex Wiccan I am not christian by any means plus my Hobbies are Computers Cd Collecting and learning to...
Maxim - Vancouver  Singles. Free dating site in Vancouver , British Columbia.

Fun easy going

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