Single Women in Reisterstown
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The right one
I'm Caring, Faithful, Loyal, Truthful, Loving, Generous, Goals Achiever, Honest, Spiritual oriented, Future driven, Confidential, Understands the ups and downs of life, Committed to relationship, Reader, Visionary, Conservative and loving.
Treat others as you want to treated
I am living with my mom. I am her caregiver. I have been separated from my husband for almost a year and I have spent my time working on me! Which is awesome! I have 2 part time jobs right now! I am funny and enjoy dry humor! I am affectionate and fun-loving! I do not act my age at all! But I take m...
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Hello, I'm looking for someone to bond with for the long term. Whether we become friends, lovers or get married all depends of whether we 'click' - if you love animals I love you already!
I like spending time with family,i have a sense of humor,im fun,i like romanticmovies and horror movies, my favorite food is steak and seafood..i like going to the beach, and enjoy traveling.
If you have faith you will move mountain
I am very understanding, open minded with a heart of forgiving, loving and caring with sense of humor, hard working with cheerful character,honest,sincere,kind, warm and intelligent with good looks. People can't believe it when they see my photographs because I look like my mom, I am a girl that...
I was made for another planet altogether. I mistook the way.
Working in healthcare and seeing so much sorrow makes me grateful for what I have. I love learning and enjoy taking different classes. I won’t date a man who has indoor furniture on his porch or if his car can find its own way to the liquor store. Oh, and most of all, I love to dance.
I’m Blazin Bish
I am a chocolate girl with a amazing personality fun outgoing and outspoken
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