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Dating in Waiheke Island - Meet Singles in Waiheke Island

Welcome to the free dating site in Waiheke Island. There is no credit card required for dating on our site. Don't waste your time in bars and pubs, join our dating site. Find online singles, dating and personal ads in Waiheke Island, Auckland at our free web site. Sign up today for free to browse singles and personal ads in Auckland, meet singles online using our free Waiheke Island online dating service! Finding singles in Waiheke Island is easy with our fully free online dating service. Start free online dating in Waiheke Island, Auckland today and meet with other single women and men looking for other singles for dating, friendship and love.

Dating in Waiheke Island, Auckland

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Metalbella - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Still of the night!!

I'm down to earth, nice, fun to be around, love to have a good time. I'm hugely into metal and hard rock. I love to cook but not all the time haha . I love to read, watch movies and go to concerts. My fave genre of movies are horror, thriller, action and comedy. I have a dog named Dude and ...
Colemanjay80 - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Im looking for a soulmate

Hi everyone. I really don't know how to go about writing this. Never done this before...lol. I lost my wife about 5years ago and ever since then i have not been in any relationship. I have not even given it a trial. Its an amazing feeling when you love someone and you get loved back in return. I...
Shortbrunette76 - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Easygoing, genuine, Kiwi girl

Easy going girl looking for a laid back guy. I have lived in Australia for most of my life and London.
I love to travel and would love to find someone to travel to new places with. I love seeing a funny movie,
going for long walks and long drives, spending time with family and friends, adore...
Amorlove101 - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Life is too short to waste time

I am a very simple lady with pleased sense of humor, I do enjoy playing golf and being with old people and I love watching sports and going for a long walk. I do enjoy telling good jokes and I like dancing and swimming so much, Cooking is one of the things I love most in my life and I do have a humo...
Softdave - Auckland City Singles. Free dating site in Auckland City, Auckland.
I am a plain man seeking for my soul mate

Iam simple, have good sense of humor, enjoy the simple thing s in life ,family ,friends and enjoying life , have many interest, real, honest and down to earth .Love music,nature ,good movies ,a good book ,dinning out or just kicking back & relaxing , sports,animals ,plants & gardening .Interested in...
Rosiered - Northshore Singles. Free dating site in Northshore, Auckland.
Don't sweat the small stuff

Run my own business, bike ride, have enjoyed trying kayaking
Julia845 - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne.

I'm a pediatrician by profession, I work in a children's clinic.
Graduated from the University.
I want to create a strong and happy family with a beloved man.
I love animals, I have a cat.
I listen to various music and watch a lot of films, I do not like the TV show on TV.
I c...
Kiwijewels - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Laughter is the best medicine

Professional woman, dislike players and those who don't really know hat they want. pretty relaxed lifestyle i don't sweat the small stuff. have a variety of LP's pretty old school I am. a real foodie, favorites would be Italian and anything ethnic. A real Quirky sense of humor, tend to ...
therealfred - Auckland Singles. Free dating site in Auckland, Auckland.
Mount albert, Auckland

Student, Love cooking, rugby, and movies. weakness for New Zealand. Looking for an open-minded affectionate girl who appreciates the little things in life.
Liketoplease - Manukau Singles. Free dating site in Manukau, Auckland.

Good fun. Beach. Cars. Rock n roll

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