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Giselle:  ""Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains"" - Singles in Johannesburg

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City: Johannesburg  
Province:   South Africa

Female     55
Ethnicity: Mixed Race
Body Type: Athletic
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (Twins)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 35 To: 55
Giselle - Johannesburg Singles. Free online dating in Johannesburg.

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Looking for Relations:      Dating
The longest relationship Giselle had: 10 years or more
Height:    5'8" (173 cm)
Weight: 120 lb (54 kg)
Hair Color:      Red
Marital Status:       Divorced

More about Giselle:
A hopeless romantic looking for a new start. Recently back in SA after eight years away. I'm a true believer in the mind/body balance connection, and so, my greatest asset is my health. Although not a fanatic at all, I exercise or play some sport around five times a week. I have a great sense of humour and appreciate the little things. I cook, dance and oh yeah, books are my life.

Giselle's ideas of a fun date:
A walk on the beach, let's go get a drink, coffee bar, etc.


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