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Dano777:  "I'm very assertive" - Singles in Fresno

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City: Fresno  
State: California   USA

Male     45
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type:
Zodiac Sign :
Looking For: Female
Age From: 25 To: 45
Dano777 - Fresno Singles. Free online dating in Fresno, California.

Just putting some basic photos of me recently.

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Looking for Relations:      Other
The longest relationship Dano777 had: 2 years or more
Height:    5'7" (170 cm)
Weight: 195 lb (88 kg)
Hair Color:      Bald
Marital Status:       Widowed

More about Dano777:
I enjoy studying economics financing and marketing, my current career is Home Improvement sales. I'm learning Spanish and I just moved here 2 years ago to take care of a family member.

Dano777's ideas of a fun date:
I kind of like going out to breakfast on a Saturday morning taking a walk at a park or a lake and then maybe hitting a movie in the afternoon. I also like to cook I make a killer chicken teriyaki, homemade recipe from hawaii.

Fresno Singles. Free local dating site in Fresno, California.


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