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Iris21:  "Be kind it is free" - Singles in Kingston

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City: Kingston  
Province: Ontario   Canada

Female     47
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: Slim, Slender
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (Twins)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 40 To: 54
Iris21 - Kingston  Singles. Free online dating in Kingston , Ontario.

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Looking for Relations:      All Above: Dating, Long Term, Friends
The longest relationship Iris21 had: 8 years or more
Height:    5'4" (163 cm)
Weight: 145 lb (66 kg)
Hair Color:      Blond
Marital Status:       Single

More about Iris21:
I love spending time on the beach or climb the mountain on a beautiful day feeling the warm hug of the sun.
Globe trotter, joyful, benevolent, mother. In normal times, you would fine me dancing or enjoying Greek music, or on a plane to Europe or another province in Canada. This days, I run along the Ontario Lake, do meditation, reading or enjoy to watch the landscape.
Here to meet a dynamic, kind, well -traveled and positive guy, who cares about the world and likes learning and laughing. If, on top of all this, you speak also French, I can't wait to hear from you.

Iris21's ideas of a fun date:


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