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Pamela546:  "Searching for serious minded guy not a player" - Singles in Sydney

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City: Sydney  
State: New South Wales   Australia

Female     41
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: Slim, Slender
Zodiac Sign : Aries (Ram)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 32 To: 60
Pamela546 - Sydney Singles. Free online dating in Sydney, New South Wales.

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Looking for Relations:      Long Term
The longest relationship Pamela546 had: 3 years or more
Height:    5'8" (173 cm)
Weight: 160 lb (73 kg)
Hair Color:      Black
Marital Status:       Single

More about Pamela546:
I am easy going down to earth lady, I know how to treat a man with love, respect, and more importantly honesty. I have a very good sense of humor that you will find out as time go on, I am very comfortable with want I have done in my life, but now it is time to write a different chapter in my life with a friend, a companion, hopefully the love of my life. I love Boating,Sailing, Fishing, Gardening, Camping, Motorcycle Riding, Reading Writing, Cooking,Entertaining, Theater,Plays, Movies, Horses,Horseback Riding, Amusement Parks, Cars Auto Repair, Karaoke, Traveling,Cruising, Arts & Crafts, Pool or Billiards, Concerts, Walking

Pamela546's ideas of a fun date:
Going to beach and having dinner at the restaurant

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