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Crash30850:  "Looking for fun or to see where things go" - Singles in Greensboro

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City: Greensboro  
State: North Carolina   USA

Male     40
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: A Few Extra Pounds
Zodiac Sign : Taurus (Bull)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 18 To: 50
Crash30850 - Greensboro Singles. Free online dating in Greensboro, North Carolina.

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Looking for Relations:      All Above: Dating, Long Term, Friends
The longest relationship Crash30850 had: 4 years or more
Height:    6'1" (185 cm)
Weight: 275 lb (125 kg)
Hair Color:      Brown
Marital Status:       Divorced

More about Crash30850:
I'm a dog lover I have one beautiful blue pit love her to death i work construction but work on cars to help others just looking to see whats out there been divorced not for around 7 years maybe its time to get back out there

Crash30850's ideas of a fun date:
I would have to say dinner and a movie because I have always thought that was best but it would be a home cooked dinner and the movie could be ether or say in or go out but the going out part is hard right now with the c 19 also bowling or pool

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