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Noexpectations:  "Real eyes realize real lies 🤔" - Singles in Colorado Springs

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City: Colorado Springs  
State: Colorado   USA

Male     34
Ethnicity: Native American
Body Type: Slim, Slender
Zodiac Sign : Aries (Ram)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 25 To: 55
Noexpectations - Colorado Springs Singles. Free online dating in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Pictuers or a few months old im bald now

Contact This User

Looking for Relations:      Occasional Lover
The longest relationship Noexpectations had: 4 years or more
Height:    5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 150 lb (68 kg)
Hair Color:      Bald
Marital Status:       Separated

More about Noexpectations:
I dont hate or discriminate i apprecieate. The ones who say they "know me " dont even "know" themselves i am ment to evolve and love not hate and destroy im not perfect even tho ive been told many times by the women ive been with that i am it hasnt got the best of me yet everyone is replaceable

Noexpectations's ideas of a fun date:
Anything that gets my date laughing and the bonedance with no pants untill the ass crack of dawn

Colorado Springs Singles. Free local dating site in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


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