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Sincara06:  "Ask me" - Singles in Oxnard

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City: Oxnard  
State: California   USA

Male     41
Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Body Type: Athletic
Zodiac Sign : Libra (Scales)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 18 To: 43
Sincara06 - Oxnard  Singles. Free online dating in Oxnard , California.

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Looking for Relations:      Other
The longest relationship Sincara06 had: 4 years or more
Height:    5'9" (175 cm)
Weight: 170 lb (77 kg)
Hair Color:      Black
Marital Status:       Single

More about Sincara06:
Simply and simply a man who likes to live life and wants to live new experiences.
I play soccer , I like whisky, good sense of humor, loving, kind. my goal is to be a general contractor. I love pets and during ,my spare time ,I draw faces and landscapes. I’m a very strong person in hard situations .
something I don't like is lie that's honestly not nice to me

Sincara06's ideas of a fun date:
On the beach and enjoying the sand enjoying the water enjoying the night with a full moon would be a perfect date spot


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