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Schmalls22:  "N/A" - Singles in Council Bluffs

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City: Council Bluffs  
State: Iowa   USA

Female     42
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: Average/Normal
Zodiac Sign : Cancer (Crab)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 29 To: 40
Schmalls22 - Council Bluffs Singles. Free online dating in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

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Looking for Relations:      Long Term
The longest relationship Schmalls22 had: 8 years or more
Height:    5'6" (168 cm)
Weight: 175 lb (79 kg)
Hair Color:      Mixed Hair
Marital Status:       Single

More about Schmalls22:
I'm as real as they come. I don't sugar coat I tell it how it is. I'm a mother and my kids will always come first. I'm an animal lover. I volunteer with an animal rescue down south to find homes for dogs that are listed to be euthanized at no fault of their own. I love anything and everything outdoors. Sorry guys unfortunately I am not a Husker fan by any means. Anything else you would like to know please feel free to ask me.

Schmalls22's ideas of a fun date:

Council Bluffs Singles. Free local dating site in Council Bluffs, Iowa.


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