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Juanbone1:  "Hot and spicy sexy mexi her now 😉🙈🙉🙊" - Singles in Liberty

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City: Liberty  
State: Missouri   USA

Male     43
Ethnicity: Hispanic / Latino
Body Type: Average/Normal
Zodiac Sign : Cancer (Crab)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 18 To: 46
Juanbone1 - Liberty  Singles. Free online dating in Liberty , Missouri.
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Looking for Relations:      Occasional Lover
The longest relationship Juanbone1 had: 9 years or more
Height:    5'8" (173 cm)
Weight: 175 lb (79 kg)
Hair Color:      Black
Marital Status:       Divorced

More about Juanbone1:
I'm a Hispanic born in the United States bilingual a bit shy at first until I get used to my surroundings or who I'm with then I could open up and become spontaneous so they say I am I love watching sports hunting fishing used to box when I was younger and cross country still love 2 train when a school hard worker honest respectful especially to women family comes first I will give my tee shirt off my back to whoever if possible but at the same time if I'm done wrong I hold a grudge for a while I love pretty much all kinds of music I use to DJ. I've always been a homebody but now that I'm getting older I'm ready for new adventures and experiences in meeting people and just having a good time over all we ain't getting any younger we only live once might as well make the best of it

Juanbone1's ideas of a fun date:
My ideas for fun and dates is for us too enjoy each others time and enjoy life however it goes through the day or night and just take it from there


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