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Bob72:  "Been through alot and it just made me stronger" - Singles in Kasson

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City: Kasson  
State: Minnesota   USA

Male     52
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: A Few Extra Pounds
Zodiac Sign : Cancer (Crab)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 30 To: 45
Bob72 - Kasson  Singles. Free online dating in Kasson , Minnesota.

Contact This User

Looking for Relations:      Chat / Email / Penpal
The longest relationship Bob72 had: 10 years or more
Height:    5'8" (173 cm)
Weight: 230 lb (104 kg)
Hair Color:      Brown
Marital Status:       Prefer not to say

More about Bob72:
I grew up in Minnesota served in the national guard raced mountain bike for a couple years , I like metal music but not all the time I enjoy hunting and fishing. I like actin and sci fi films not a huge sport fan watch an occasional football game I live to cook smoke meats grilling

Bob72's ideas of a fun date:
Dinner conversation walk in the park and a late movie


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