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MonicaFord:  "Privacy and discretion are paramount" - Singles in Dallas

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City: Dallas  
State: Texas   USA

Female     49
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: Average/Normal
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (Twins)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 45 To: 65
MonicaFord - Dallas Singles. Free online dating in Dallas, Texas.

Contact This User

Looking for Relations:      Friends
The longest relationship MonicaFord had: Prefer not to say
Height:    5'3" (160 cm)
Weight: 125 lb (57 kg)
Hair Color:      Blond
Marital Status:       Prefer not to say

More about MonicaFord:
Hope to travel and possibly move to united kingdom. I'm a singer and play somw guitar.
I am very laid back and keep an open mind and non judgmental attitude and always seek the positive aspects in people ans aituations2

MonicaFord's ideas of a fun date:
Quiet setting. Getting to know a person and becoming comfortable witj eachother.

Dallas Singles. Free local dating site in Dallas, Texas.


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