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Chane_:  "Open minded outgoing fun and adventurous Trying to find my soul mate " - Singles in Gainesville

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City: Gainesville  
State: Georgia   USA

Male     50
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Body Type: Average/Normal
Zodiac Sign : Gemini (Twins)
Looking For: Female
Age From: 33 To: 47
Chane_ - Gainesville  Singles. Free online dating in Gainesville , Georgia.

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Looking for Relations:      All Above: Dating, Long Term, Friends
The longest relationship Chane_ had: 6 years or more
Height:    5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 165 lb (75 kg)
Hair Color:      Bald
Marital Status:       Single

More about Chane_:
Former general contractor is built over 500 homes CSRA business owner looking for fun loving open minded friend soulmate I am Very spiritual nonreligious Practice meditation and the art of the law traction seeker of worldly Love art music world history and have a passion for the secrets of the for bidden knowledge I’m looking for like-minded woman

Chane_'s ideas of a fun date:
Acting a fool spontaneous where we go don’t mater as long as we can be our self and have fun son time if I like the person I kind of clam up so don’t think I’m not interested it just that I don’t want to put my foot in my mouth


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