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Ejrkids12:  "Positive Thoughts! Positive Results!" - Singles in St. George

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City: St. George  
State: Utah   USA

Female     54
Ethnicity: Mixed Race
Body Type: Athletic
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn (Sea-goat)
Looking For: Male
Age From: 39 To: 50
Ejrkids12 - St. George Singles. Free online dating in St. George, Utah.

I hope you enjoy them.

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Looking for Relations:      Go Out / Hang Out
The longest relationship Ejrkids12 had: 6 years or more
Height:    5'5" (165 cm)
Weight: 140 lb (64 kg)
Hair Color:      Black
Marital Status:       Divorced

More about Ejrkids12:
I know I’m great. I’m caring, loving, and go out of my way for the right man. I’m a one man woman; I pray you’re a one woman man. I chose to be with a man, real man, that isn’t afraid to tell the truth, no matter the outcome. I do NOT want a little boy (age 39) that desperately wants to be in a relationship yet is always looking for the BBD. That’ type of guy is insecure and feels the need to prove “how tough he is” via threats. No thank you. If you reach out to me, follow through with asking me out. I promise you, I’m the most real girl/woman you will ever meet.

Ejrkids12's ideas of a fun date:
Miniature Golf. Coffee and a walk. Somewhere we can hang and just chat...get to know one another.


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