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Darrellsmile19:  "Believe in yourself and make your dreams works" - Singles in Frederic

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City: Frederic  
State: Wisconsin   USA

Male     56
Ethnicity: Other Ethnicity
Body Type: Average/Normal
Zodiac Sign : Prefer not to say
Looking For: Female
Age From: 40 To: 99
Darrellsmile19 - Frederic Singles. Free online dating in Frederic, Wisconsin.

Contact This User

Looking for Relations:      Long Term
The longest relationship Darrellsmile19 had: 3 years or more
Height:    5'10" (178 cm)
Weight: 140 lb (64 kg)
Hair Color:      Black
Marital Status:       Widowed

More about Darrellsmile19:
I am honest, intelligent and confident and easy going man with a good sense of humor. I am open-heated and optimistic. I enjoy every day of my life no matter how difficult life can be. I am active and full of energy. I have always goals and dreams which I try to make true. I am always friendly and kind. I always respect people around me and I never judge but always try to understand. I believe in real love .I'm looking for only serious relationship. And i wish to live happily ever after.

Darrellsmile19's ideas of a fun date:


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